Promotional Mouse Pads…

Top class technology products are innovative and are packed with a lot of features.  Some of these techno features include multiple USB connections, Calculators and much more.  The humble Promotional Mouse Mat has certinally taken on some radical design changes over the last few years, for example take a look at this little beauty.

MM-830 USB Hub Mouse Mat:

This particular promotional mouse pad includes four USB connections, which is handy for today’s USB world that we live in. Everything connected to a computer basically has a USB connection.  The MM-830 offers a generous working area for daily mouse activities and also boasts a large print area for your company or logo. Built to last, this particular product is one that has stood the test of time and has become one of our more popular Promotional Mouse items. Contact us today for all of your promotional requirements and advice.

Promotional Mouse Mat 1Promotional Mouse Pad 2

Author: admin